Aywy z Ohromujiciho sveta - working class - rescue dog 

AYWY Z OHROMUJICIHO SVETA (BORDER COLLIE) was born: 3. 4. 2007, she will be 7 years old
(weight in the bornday 460 g) 
Owner: PhDr. Kateřina Jančaříková, Ph. D., Lysa nad labem, Czech republic
Colour: Chocolate & White, rought
Teeth: all. Scissor bite.
High: 49 cm
Long: 57 cm weight: 19-20 kg
RTG DKK: 0/0 (HD-A) CEA DNA N/N (normal / clear)
NCL N/N (normal / clear)
TNS: N/P (carrier)
MDR1 N/N (normalclear)
Since 2011 takes additional thyroid hormones. Thanks to this has no health problems.
Complete clinical examination of the eyes 2009, 2012 - in order.
Rescue exams: RH-E, ZZZ, ZZP 1, ZZP C, ZZP2, ZTV 1, ZTV 2, ZLP1, ZLP C, ZTV3, ZZP3. 
Rescue dog atest: disaster (= urban), we are member of Czech USAR team, and wilderness atest.
Others exams: ZOP, Frestyle 1 (with my doughter 8 years old), ZPU 1, ZZO, BH.
She is nominated for certificates of the Ministry of Interior to search in areas and debris.
She has twice times puppies (8 and 8) with Koral Rubinove srdce (A + B wurf in our kennel Storytelling)
Her achievements: 
Aywy won (1. place) Czech Cup ZTV in 2013
Aywy won (2. place) Czech ČEZ Cup on searching in the rubble 2013
and serie of rescue dogs exams ZZZ, ZTV 1, ZTV 2, ZTV 3 by the Czech National Examination Regulation