Our Team

Ester Jančaříková

Ester is our doughter. She is 17 years old. She is training border collie Baffi (Blessed Baffi Storytelling). She is very creative. 

Antonin Jancarik

My husbend. Mathematic, associate professor. He is very clever. He training Bessi as a mantrailing rescue dog (first exam). He use technic (GPS, PC, etc.) for rescue dog training.

Email: antonin.jancarik@pedf.cuni.cz

Katerina Jancarikova

Biologist, environmentalist, writter ... When I was 2 years old, I get my first dog Punťa.

I have Mgr. in special biology and ecology, PhDr. and Ph.D. titles pedagogy and didactics of biology, geology and environmental education. 
In 2014 I got the 3rd power class in the Union Rescue Brigades Czech Republic. I can be an instructor of rescue dog training in our organisation.
I am member of K-9 team of Czech USAR from 2016. 
In 2015 i did rescue dog atestation of Czech goverment with my border collie Aywy. We are real rescue dog team. 
I'm going to take part in the World Championship of IRO Rescue Dogs with Orfi in September 2017 in the category RH FL B,
I have three canaan dogs too. I simly love my family and my pack.

Email: jancarikova@post.cz

With my border collie Aywy z Ohromujícího světa we did plenty of exams. Our greatest success is series ZZZ, ZTV 1, ZTV 2 and ZTV 3 and ZZP 1, ZZP2, ZZP3 and ZZP C (rescue dogs exams by Czech National Examination Regulations).

With my groenendael Orfi I did international dogs exams RH FLA and RH FL B and RH TA and RH TE. 

I like diversity, so I have several breeds ... five years ago I managed to get Sangie, female Canaanite dog. Canaanites are my dream race - wild, original and  interesting. Who is she that rises out of the desert? A half year ago I Noked imported directly from the country of origin of Israel.... today we have 3 canaan dogs (Sangie, Noked and Brura)

I work in rescue training is also a very promising Groenendael Orfi (Cikada ORfi ze Ztracene zahrady). I am using canistherapy except for the above mentioned dogs and Chinese crested dog Mia (Amanda CHina Stofox).


I'm going to take part in the World Championship of IRO Rescue Dogs with Orfi in September 2017 in the RH FLB category

Daniel Jančařík

Dani is our son. He will be 25 this year. He is working in Prague ZOO like breeder from 2013. And before he worked as volentury in the other zoos in Europe several times.  He is training Koral (border collie male). He helps us with our other dogs and animalsmals. Dani lives with his bride Lenka and little son Jan (and Koral, snake, diamond pigeons, lovebirds etc.) in Brandys nad Labem. We meet primarily in rescue-dogs-trainings.


Dani and Lenka and Noked and Koral.                    Dani and Lenka and their friend in Marine zoo in Barcelona.

Jakub Jančařík

Jakub is our youngest child. He is 13. He helps us with our dog everyday. His dogs are Mia, the Chinese Crested bitch and Hafula (mix). Jakub spend time with Baffi, when Ester is at school (Jakub is still homeschooler). Jakub has an instinct for animals and body language. From all of us he is the best shepherd.


Joel Jančařík

Joel is our eldest son. He is 25 years old. He is not handler yet. He "only" loves all our dogs and animals. He is a mathematician and works in a bank. He and his wife live in Prague.

He is a mathematician and works in a bank. He and his wife live in Prague

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